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Congratulations !!!
「 WRE:World Record Encampment~世界記録キャンプ 」
Dustin and Jonny smash the World Record for longest hang gliding
flight (Zapata, Texas, USA)
You can find the flights here Choose Yesterday
Jonny and Dustin (Thanks to David Wheeler for putting up this page for
Dustin and Jonny flew from Zapata in south Texas to just east of
Lubbock up in the Texas panhandle, approximately 475 miles (I’ll know
more accurately later today) with Dustin landing two miles further
north than Jonny. Many people around the world followed their record
flights on the internet as they happened.
Dustin launched first just before 10 AM (Manfred and Paris launched at
10 AM in 2001). Jonny launched fifteen minutes later. They were in
radio contact and sometimes in visual contact with each other
throughout the flight. Timothy Ettridge was driving for Jonny and
they agreed during the flight to have Tim bring them both back to
Zapata (apparently the stayed the night up north).
The winds were 20 to 30 mph out of the south southeast, which is what
you want here in Zapata. They turn south at about 200 miles out.
Cloud base started at 2500′ AGL (421′ ground level at Zapata) and rose
to over 10,000′ near the end of the day up on the Edwards Plateau
(2,500′ ground level).
Dustin said that he was climbing at 10,000′ at 150 fpm at 8:30 PM.
Sunset was 9:01 in Lubbock, and Jonny landed at 9:02. They both
carried strobe lights to allow them to land within a half our of
Dustin states that they both went on final glide wing tip to wing tip
and Dustin was able to eek out two extra miles on Jonny. Dustin in a
Wills Wing T2C 144 and Jonny in a Moyes Litespeed RX 3.5.
Much more later and I’m sure that they will be writing up their
stories soon and I’ll link to them. .
Pictures from the day here.